Tibrio – OkWow – Large Prize – Mobile and Desktop – US – CPL

Tibrio – OkWow – Large Prize – Mobile and Desktop – US – CPL
Deal Score0
Deal Score0
9.5Expert Score
Converts on successful lead submit
To promote the Tibrio OkWow Large Prize offer in the US on a Cost Per Lead (CPL) basis, consider partnering with affiliate networks that feature this offer. One such network is Mathnix Advertising, which lists the “Tibrio – OkWow – Large Prize – Mobile and Desktop – US – CPL” offer. This offer converts upon a successful lead submission and is compatible with mobile and desktop platforms.
  • Mobile and Desktop
  • All traffic allowed except for the incent
  • requires single opt-in
  • Tibrio OkWow has a Large Prize offer
  • Daily Conversion Cap:  50/day
  • Creative Approval Required
  • US Traffic only

Why should you Promote it?

This offer converts upon a successful lead submission and is compatible with mobile and desktop platforms. Additionally, Adtrafico offers a similar campaign titled “[MOB+WEB] EK – Tibrio – OkWow – CashApp $1000 /US – SOI 40+ [FB pixel via url] |Creative Approval Required|.” This offer targets users aged 40 and above, allows all device types, and requires single opt-in (SOI) for conversion. Note that creative approval is required for this campaign.

US Traffic only
Device: Mobile and Desktop
Daily Conversion Cap:  50/day
Traffic sources:  All traffic allowed except incent

Suppression File URL

Unsubscribe URL

To proceed, you should apply to join these affiliate networks. Once approved, you'll gain access to promotional materials, tracking links, and further details necessary to effectively promote the Tibrio OkWow Large Prize offer.

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